Thursday, 16 May 2024, 12:43 PM
Site: Bcom International Supply Chain Management
Course: Bcom International Supply Chain Management (IMM)
Glossary: SCS Glossary

Exchange Rate Policy

Exchange rate policy refers to policy measures put in place to discourage shifting funds offshore.

Expansionary Policy

Expansionary policy refers to either monetary or fiscal policy aimed at counteracting unemployment.

Expenditure Method

Expenditure method is one of the methods to calculate GDP by adding all sector expenditure in the economy.


Expense – amounts incurred during a particular financial period.

Explicit Costs

Explicit costs are reflected in money terms, e.g. salary.

Exploratory Relationship

The exploratory stage is the earliest stage of relationship development before trading begins. Woodburn and McDonald (2011) describe it as the investigation and development or understanding stage, where the potential of importance of the relationship qualifies the customer as a future key account.


Exports refer to goods that are sold outside a country’s borders.

External Audit

An external auditor performs an audit, in accordance with specific laws or rules, of the financial statements of a company, government entity, other legal entity, or organization, and is independent of the entity being audited.

FAB Method

FAB stands for : Feature, Advantage and Benefit. Features refer to the physical characteristics of the product, such as the size, shape and colour. Advantages refer to the performance characteristics of the product, such as that a cell phone can receive emails. Benefits refer to the favourable result that the buyer obtains from using the product, such as the cell phone providing the user with the freedom of receiving emails at home and not needing to be in the office at all times.

Facilitation Roles

The facilitation role takes a decision or plan into effect; execution - make it happen.