Friday, 17 May 2024, 4:10 AM
Site: Bcom International Supply Chain Management
Course: Bcom International Supply Chain Management (IMM)
Glossary: SCS Glossary

Organisational Learning

Organizational learning is the process by which an organization improves itself over time through gaining experience and using that experience to create knowledge. The knowledge created is then transferred within the organization.

Implementation Roles

Deciding what should happen in an account and making sure it is delivered, making appropriate strategies and plans, having a deep understanding of the customer Implementation Roles, Expert in the customer, Value developer,Point of accountability

Facilitation Roles

The facilitation role takes a decision or plan into effect; execution - make it happen.

Reward Schemes

Reward system refers to all the monetary, non-monetary and psychological payments that an organisation provides for its employees in exchange for the work they perform.


A thing given in recognition of service, effort, or achievement.


Something that provides a reason or stimulus to do something.

Capital Goods

Capital goods are goods used in the production of consumer goods, example machinery.

Ceteris Paribus

Ceteris paribus is a Latin term which means “all other things being equal”


Choice exists in every decision made in the economy and refers to accepting one option over another.

Consumer Goods

Consumer goods are goods purchased by households, example bread.