Friday, 3 May 2024, 5:33 PM
Site: Bcom International Supply Chain Management
Course: Bcom International Supply Chain Management (IMM)
Glossary: SCS Glossary


the first, rough attempt at writing something


a collective term referring to the logical sequence of steps to achieve an objective


The bringing together of the different strands of an argument into a cohesive whole


the literal meaning of a word or name. Although Paris might make you think of romance, its denotation is simply the city of an old tribe called the Parisii


words which are used for their subtext rather than their literal meaning: your manager may dislike being called “boss” because of the negative meaning associated with the word


The background to something you do.


Words which sound the same but have different spelling and different meanings, e.g. flour: flower.


The first part of a combined word, e.g. un- as in unhappy.

Personal Selling

Van Heerden and Drotsky (2018) define personal selling as the exchange of ideas or information, verbally or non-verbally between the customer and the salesperson. Furthermore, the aim of communication in personal selling is to inform the customer and persuade them to purchase a product or service. Personal selling takes place directly with the customer through face-to-face communication, therefore, it can be seen as a two-way transaction between the salesperson and the customers.

Marketing Concept

Van Heerden and Drotsky (2018) highlight that the marketing concept is a philosophy and a way of doing business that is based upon consumer demand. It is driven by what consumers want and need, and then products are developed and sold in order to satisfy these demands.