Sunday, 28 April 2024, 1:03 AM
Site: Bcom International Supply Chain Management
Course: Bcom International Supply Chain Management (IMM)
Glossary: SCS Glossary

Design to Order (DTO)

Individual parts are designed and assembled specifically for each customer order. Even if the end product contains standard parts, a separate pro-duction process with a specific parts list is required for the product. 

Determinants of Price Elasticity

Determinants of price elasticity refers to those factors that affect the consumer’s decision to but more, less or the same with a change in price and, therefore, determines the price elasticity of demand.

Dimensions of Customer Service

Service quality in the SERVQUAL model consists of five dimensions: reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy, and tangibles. These dimensions are used in service quality gap, which implies that there is a difference between the expectations of customers and perception of services

Direct Investment

Direct investment includes all transactions where the investor gains control of a business, either through establishing a new business or by buying shares in an existing business.

Direct Labour

Direct labour – is the effort of personal creating a product.

Direct Material

Direct material – primary/raw material to be converted into a finished product through a manufacturing process.

Direct Relationship

Direct (positive) relationship shows two variables which are causally linked increasing or decreasing simultaneously.

Direct Taxes

Direct taxes are taxes levied on individuals or companies.


Disequilibrium refers to all prices and related quantities above and below equilibrium.

Distribution Effects

Distribution effects refer to the redistribution of income between sectors of the economy as a result of inflation.