Saturday, 4 May 2024, 6:24 AM
Site: Bcom International Supply Chain Management
Course: Bcom International Supply Chain Management (IMM)
Glossary: SCS Glossary

Rapid Transit

Rail or motorbus transit service operating completely separate from all modes of transportation on an exclusive right-of-way.


The price of transportation services paid by the consumer. They are the negotiated monetary costs of moving a passenger or a unit of freight between a specific origin and destination.



Rationing is limiting the quantity bought by consumers.

Raw Materials

The items that are purchased or the materials extracted which are then transformed into components or products using a manufacturing process

Real GDP

Real GDP is GDP expressed at the prices of a given base year. Real GDP = nominal GDP – inflation.


Refers to the sourcing and screening of suitable candidates to fill a position from within or outside the organisation.


thinking back on how you have thought about something.


Refuting – offering ideas which are opposed to another person’s statement.

Relationship Hierarchy

Relationship hierarchy is the levels of a relationship, it is a system in which members of the relatioship is ranked according to relative status or authority.

Relationship Stages

KAM is concerned with managing the relationship with the customer, with the goal being business development, and making profit for the company. Hence, it is important to understand these relationships, and to understand the hierarchy of different relationship levels. Relationship stages refere to the level of the relationship; Basic Cooperative, interdependent or integrated.